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Personalized and Compassionate Care

Maintaining independence while staying safe, happy, and comfortable as we age can be a difficult balance. However, families and seniors throughout Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Lafayette, Danville, and the surrounding communities turn to ACASA Senior Care East Bay for exceptional in-home care solutions. With a personalized approach, our compassionate care team takes the time to understand your individual needs and preferences to pair you with the right caregiver. Contact us for more information and to schedule your in-home care assessment with our team.

person holding arms out sitting in wheelchair

Providing Dignity and Respect During the Aging Journey

We understand the journey of aging can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. We are committed to ensuring seniors and their families enjoy the peace of mind that a professional and trained caregiver is there when they are needed most. Our dedicated team provides high-quality personal care and anticipates your loved one’s needs. We ensure their home environment remains a supportive one, where they are cared for with the dignity and respect they deserve.

elderly ladies smiling

In-Home Services Tailored to Your Needs

When you meet with our care team for the first time, we will gather insight into the lifestyle and specific needs of your loved one so we can create a personalized support system for them. We tailor our services to provide a safe and supportive environment that allows them to maintain independence and thrive. Learn more about our services:

Locally- and Woman-Owned to Deliver Compassionate Care

As a locally-owned in-home care company, you can feel confident in our dedication to providing exceptional service to your senior loved one and your entire family. Our caregivers have a passion for in-home care and experience working with seniors living with a wide range of needs and medical conditions, including dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, and more. When caring for a loved one becomes overwhelming, we’re here to lend a caring and compassionate hand so you can feel comfortable knowing that your loved one is comfortable at home. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

Keep Your Loved One Happy