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Serving Those Who Have Served

The Veteran’s Affairs (VA) offers a tax-free Aid and Attendance benefit to veterans and their surviving spouses to cover the costs of in-home care. ACASA Senior Care honors our Veterans and can help determine your eligibility and provide personalized care solutions based on your needs. Learn more about our compassionate services and the eligibility criteria.

veteran holding american flag

Am I Eligible for the Aid & Attendance Benefit?

The Aid and Attendance benefit covers our in-home care services. To qualify for the Aid and Attendance Benefit, you must meet specific eligibility requirements set by the VA. These include:

  • 90 days of active duty with a least one day during a war period
  • Must not have been dishonorably discharged
  • Surviving spouse must have been married to the veteran at the time of their passing
  • Requires assistance performing daily tasks
  • Meets income and countable asset criteria established by the VA
  • 65 years or older or disabled
veteran saluting american flag

What’s Considered a War Period for the Aid & Attendance Benefit?

To qualify for the Aid and Attendance Benefit, there are periods of war in which you must have actively served. These include:

  • World War II – December 7, 1941 – December 31, 1946, inclusive. If the veteran was in service on December 31, 1946, continuous service before July 26, 1947, is considered World War II service.
  • Korean Conflict – June 27, 1950 – January 31, 1955, inclusive.
  • Vietnam Era – February 28, 1961 – May 7, 1975, inclusive, in the case of a veteran who served in the Republic of Vietnam. August 5, 1964 – May 7, 1975, inclusive, in all other cases.
  • Persian Gulf War – August 2, 1990 – Date to be prescribed by presidential proclamation or law.

How We Can Serve You

Our veterans have sacrificed for our country. We are here to honor your service and will conduct an official, complete, in-home care consultation to determine your eligibility and how we can help. Our caregivers are committed to providing compassion, dignity, and respect while ensuring you can live life independently and safely. Aid and Attendance is a tax-free financial benefit designed to cover the cost of in-home care services. We are here to help determine your eligibility and to provide compassionate care tailored to your needs and quality of life.

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