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Trust Us to Help You Optimize Your Long-Term Care Insurance

There are many ways to help offset the cost of in-home care services for families, including long-term care (LTC) insurance. However, dealing with insurance companies can bring added stress to an already stressful situation. The skilled and compassionate team at ACASA Senior Care East Bay can help guide you through the complexities of your policy, ensuring you understand your coverage options so you or your loved one can maximize the value of your insurance investment.

elderly couple smiling with fruit baskets

What Is Long-Term Care Insurance?

LTC insurance is a specialized insurance policy designed to cover services that Medicare and Medicaid don’t typically cover, including in-home personal care services, such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, and more. If you or your senior loved one has long-term care insurance, we will work with you to understand and use your insurance policy benefits, while ensuring you maintain quality of life at home with the services you need.

Discover the Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance

A wide range of LTC policies are available, and they may vary based on carrier and coverage amount. Regardless of your policy, long-term care insurance provides a wide range of benefits to policyholders and their families, including:

Financial Protection

LTC insurance allows you to protect your savings and assets by providing another way to pay for care, reducing the risk of financial strain.

Choice of Care

Your LTC policy typically allows you to choose from various services and providers, including in-home care, assisted living, and nursing facilities.

Preserved Independence

Accessing your LTC policy for in-home care enables you to remain at home, maintain independence, and live the quality of life you prefer.

Reach Out to Us for Long-Term Care Insurance Support