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Supporting Independence With Emotional and Social Support

Loneliness is one of the most significant obstacles for seniors. Our companionship services are designed to build meaningful relationships to enrich the lives of independent seniors living at home. Whether you’re a senior looking to enhance your daily life or are concerned about your aging parent or loved one, learn more about the importance of companionship and our trusted, available in-home care services.

elderly couple smiling

Companionship Matters for Overall Well-Being

Seniors can face many unique challenges. One of the most overlooked is loneliness and isolation. Our companionship services are designed to provide physical and emotional assistance while maintaining social interaction. For many seniors, our companionship services become a lifeline that can improve cognitive function, mood, and even better physical health and overall well-being.

Learn About Our Companionship Services

At ACASA Senior Care East Bay, we tailor our companionship to match the needs and personality of you or your loved one. We’re committed to enriching seniors’ lives with our comprehensive companionship services:

Meal Preparation

Our caregivers provide meal planning, shopping, and preparation. We can customize a plan to meet dietary restrictions and personal preferences.


We provide safe and reliable transportation to doctors appointments, errands, a leisurely drive, or to participate in social events.

Personal Care

We assist when daily care tasks like bathing, hygiene, dressing, and more become challenging.


We provide emotional and social support by talking, playing games, or accompanying seniors on outings.

Light Housekeeping

We help maintain and clean and organized home, essential for senior's physical and mental health.

Medication Reminders

We offer medication reminders to ensure medications are taken as prescribed, optimizing health and wellbeing.

We Are Here for You

One of the most difficult and often ignored challenges of aging is loneliness. Whether you’re considering companionship services for yourself or a loved one, you can trust the caregivers at ACASA Senior Care East Bay to provide reliable and compassionate care. We’ve assisted numerous seniors and their families throughout the East Bay and will ensure you too receive quality, personalized care.

Keep Your Loved One Happy