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Become a Member of Our Care Team

At ACASA Senior Care East Bay, we believe our ability to provide exceptional, differentiated in-home care begins with hiring compassionate caregivers. As we look to expand our services while maintaining the same level of expertise, we are seeking compassionate and dedicated individuals to join our team. As a team member, you will help impact the lives of our clients through meaningful work and compassion. If you’re passionate about serving others and want to join a caring community, we invite you to explore our available opportunities.

nurse caring for patient

Bettering the Lives of Seniors Through Personalized Care

Our goal is to empower seniors by providing the care and support they need when they need it most, while offering peace of mind for their families. By combining a highly trained and skilled team of professionals with personalized service and genuine care for our community, we create a nurturing environment that prioritizes each senior’s individual needs and preferences. We believe every client has a right to independence, dignity, and respect, and we aim to enrich their lives while alleviating health and safety concerns. We offer our clients a wide range of services, including personal in-home care, companionship, medication reminders, wellness checks, and more.

nurse laughing with patient

Join Our Team of Skilled Caregivers

Whether you’re an experienced caregiver or searching for a new, rewarding career, ACASA Senior Care East Bay may be the right fit for you. It’s essential that your values of compassion and respect align with ours to deliver exceptional care to our clients. We provide job training to suitable candidates to prepare you for the role. We aim to hire caregivers with the following types of experience:

  • Previous In-Home Care
  • Dementia or Memory Care
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Hospice, Assisted Living, or Companion Care
  • Mental Health
  • CHF or COPD
  • Hypertension
  • Proven ability to successfully complete training and learn new skills

Make a Difference

Every day, the caregivers at ACASA Senior Care enrich the lives of seniors by creating meaningful relationships and delivering exceptional in-home care. We provide a variety of benefits, including:

  • Paid training and professional development
  • Competitive pay
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Employee referral program
  • Team culture that values and cares for employees and clients

If you are interested in positively impacting other’s lives, contact us today to join our team.

Keep Your Loved One Happy