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Supporting Independence With Medication Reminders and Wellness Checks

Finding the balance of independence and safety is critical for seniors and their families. At ACASA Senior Care East Bay, we provide reliable medication reminders and wellness checks in Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Lafayette, Danville, and the surrounding communities. Whether you need an occasional reminder or consistent care, we offer personalized and caring support for your loved one to continue living comfortably and safely in their home.

elderly couple looking through window

Confidence in Medication Management

Forgetting to take medications or taking the incorrect dose can have serious consequences, especially for those on life-saving and chronic medicines. Our medication reminders ensure your loved one takes their medications as prescribed. Our medication reminder plans are effective, affordable, and can be seamlessly integrated into daily life, maintaining your loved one’s independence and health.

elderly woman smiling

Confidence in Safety and Wellbeing

Wellness checks provide safety and wellbeing for seniors and peace of mind for families. These checks are ideal if you are concerned about your loved one’s safety yet don’t require constant in-home care. We offer a variety of flexible plans that can be tailored to meet your needs.

Keep Your Loved One Happy