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The Care You Need and the Respect You Deserve

ACASA Senior Care East Bay understands that choosing the right provider for your loved one’s in-home care can be stressful. Our skilled and experienced staff genuinely care about the physical, cognitive, and emotional health of your loved one. We take the time to understand the unique challenges your loved one faces and devise a care plan to match their needs. Our dedication to individualized client care has allowed us to build trust and a positive reputation throughout the community.

two people hugging

Choosing the Right Care Team Is Essential

When the well-being of someone you care about is prioritized through personalized in-home care, you can feel confident they will experience an improved quality of life. Our services are customized to meet the changing needs of your senior. Whether a routine wellness check, companionship, or comprehensive in-home care, our holistic approach ensures their physical needs are met and their emotional and mental health is supported through meaningful connections.

elderly woman hugging child

How Our Caregivers Make a Difference

Finding someone to provide physical, emotional, and social support can be difficult. We take great pride in the trust our clients place in us. As a locally-owned in-home care specialist, our team is committed to meeting the diverse needs of our clients. Learn more about why we are a trusted leader for in-home care:

  • Personal Compatibility
  • High-Quality Caregiving Skills and Experience
  • Individualized Care Plans
  • Exceptional Communication Skills
  • Compassionate Approach
  • Genuine Care and Companionship

Keep Your Loved One Happy