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Maintain Your Independence

While Receiving the Care You Need


Reliable In-Home Care Services in the East Bay, CA

Many seniors choose to enjoy their golden years in the comfort of their own homes. ACASA Senior Care East Bay provides in-home care solutions throughout Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Lafayette, Danville, and the surrounding communities. We understand that choosing the right in-home care team for you or a loved one can be stressful. As a locally- and woman-owned business, we partner with our clients and their families to create a personalized care plan based on individual needs. Our goal is to foster a sense of familiarity that contributes to physical and emotional well-being. We allow our seniors to thrive surrounded by the memories and connections that matter most to them.

  • Get in Touch With Us Today
    Reach out to our team for more information regarding in-home care or employment opportunities.
elderly woman and child with muffins

Enriching the Lives of Seniors Through Expert Care

At ACASA Senior Care, we rely on our caregivers who embody the values of our company – compassion, respect, and dignity – to ensure every senior receives the highest quality care. Our team is committed to creating a nurturing environment that enriches the lives of those we care for by forming meaningful relationships. We prioritize individual preferences and cater to unique cultural norms to help them maintain their independence while allowing them to thrive physically, emotionally, and socially.

Comprehensive In-Home Care Solutions

Whether you’re searching for in-home care solutions for a spouse, a loved one, or yourself, we’re the team you can trust. As a locally-owned business, our caregivers have been providing personalized care solutions to seniors throughout the East Bay, CA. Our comprehensive in-home care solutions and compassionate team have helped provide dignity and independence for seniors living at home and peace of mind for family members. Contact our team to learn more about our services and to get started today.